Alfred Hospital Enterprise Agreement

Other payments or changes should not be made or taken effect until the new enterprise agreements are approved by the Fair Work Commission and officially come into force. This includes the corresponding payments under each of the new enterprise agreements (for more information on these payments, see Appendix 3). The funding allowance for the impact of salary increases and other changes in the 2017-18 fiscal year is provided by a certain grant. The current effects of these increases and subsequent salary conditions will be incorporated into hospital/public health care budgets from 2018/2019. If, at the time of admission to a parental hospital, a doctor has been warmed up in a rotating hospital, the following rules apply, for which the hospital or rotary hospital is required to pay the registration bonus to the doctor: doctors employed in a public hospital not mentioned in Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 are not entitled to payment of the registration of the public hospital or in connection with such a public hospital. Figure 1 below shows how the MFD would be calculated for a hospital with a salary base of $100,000. DFM indexation, considered a DFM indexation, is calculated on the basis of the corresponding salaries at the time of the expiry of the prior enterprise agreement. DFM compounds at a rate of 2.5% per year after that. On this page, you will find copies of agreements on public sector companies for public hospitals, the public health sector and the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.

For the current business negotiation cycle (2015-2017), the department, in its budget modelling, referred more directly to the high staff profile of each public hospital or health service than in previous cycles, where budget modelling focused more on „whole sector profiles.“ This will eliminate some of the most serious „swings and roundabouts“ that could have resulted from the previous approach. However, this funding approach remains in its overall „output-based“ nature. The terms and conditions of employment of Victorian public health workers are generally set in collective bargaining. If a full-time medical specialist working in a public hospital or health service also holds a group appointment at another hospital or public health service, the physician may receive a bonus of registration from any hospital or public health service based on the doctor`s contractual periods with each employer. It goes without saying that such a doctor will receive registration payments of more than 3,500 $US. Any public hospital or public health service that does not believe that the funding it receives reflects the cost to which it is exposed to implement the „new“ results of the enterprise agreement may submit its file to the Department for review. (First, public hospitals and health services should do their own calculations, with MFDs calculated according to the lines described in the example above.) The ministry will verify these local calculations on request. The department distributes the credits on the basis of all FTEs reported by each public hospital and health service, through monthly extracts presented to all minimum wage data. As a result, a parent hospital using the billing model receives funds for registration payments and should not pass the tax on the „unfunded“ rotary hospital enrollment premium.

Conversely, if the salary model applies to rotation, the funding is transferred to the rotating hospital, so it would have to pay.